Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Last of the summer garden stew

Our summer garden is still producing plenty of tomatoes, squash (yellow and zucchini), peppers, eggplant, kale, corn, patty pans and onions. Nana and I have barely been able to keep up with the harvesting, especially the tomatoes, and we were struggling trying to figure out what to do with it all. It has gotten to the point where the neighbors are hiding their faces at our approach, and we have run out of room for frozen spaghetti sauce. I am not complaining, because I know in winter we will be happy to have a taste of summer, but still we were a bit stumped. Then we realized the best thing to do would be to make soup. Soup is the perfect thing on a cool, hint of autumn in the air, lazy Sunday afternoon. After the hard work of chopping up all the veggies, just put everything in a pot add some stock -either homemade or you can cheat like I did and use vegetable bullion , your spices in this case curry, salt, black pepper, parsley and turmeric, bring to a boil, and then let simmer four an hour or so until the vegetables are tender and it is thick enough handle with a fork. That's it. Easy. No hassle and fills the house with a smell that can't be beat, except by homemade bread, but that is another post. The best part? I have supper done for at least the next two nights. To make the meal for tonight I will serve over quinoa with a green salad. Later in the week I'll add chickpeas and serve with rice.
I will be posting more supper ideas because even I can only eat soup for so many days and it is always good to have options available.
P.P.S This post is way late because I am getting over a stomach virus and the LAST thing on my mind over the last few days has been food.
Happy Eating

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