Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Lead by Exampe Part 1


Whew! I did not realize it had been so long since I have had a chance to post something new. We have had a late Spring and a prolonged flu and allergy season her in the Mid -Atlantic, and my little family is just now getting over our bout of allergies, colds, and at least one case of the flue. In the last few months either I, or the Bumper or Nana have been sick. We are still battling runny noses and coughs. Nonetheless on nice days in between sicknesses we have ventured out and about in the garden or had enough muster to work o fun indoor crafts when the weather has not been co-operative. One of the best things about being a stay at home mom is having the time to nurture the Bumper's curiosity and myriad interests. One of the hardest things, at least for me, is to lead by example. As a Christian I want to foster a love of the Lord in my child, but what I am supposed to do when my 2 1/2 year old Bumper screams "No!" when I tell her it is time for grace? As a mom I want to foster a love of the outdoors, but how do I do that when I feel like I am always cleaning? As reasonably health conscious person how do I instill healthy eating habits in the Bumper when some days I am so tired all I can do is microwave a packaged meal?

Well I actually already know the answer-- Lead by example. If I want the Bumper to love the Lord I have to act like I do. If I want the bumper go outside I have to put down the vacuum and head outside with her. If I want her to eat good food, I have to cook good meals.

So all this week that is what I am trying to do. When she says no at grace I patiently have explained that we thank God for our food and say grace myself with a cheerful voice. I clean for a couple of hours in the morning and weather permitting we head to our local zoo -- which is within walking distance-- in the afternoon. I cooked meals from scratch last night (it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be) and plan to do so the rest of the week.

I also have to let go of my perfectionism and let the Lord lead me, which may be the hardest part of all.


The Bumper getting creative with some Pay-Doh

The Bumper watering the grass

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