Friday, June 28, 2013

I am Currently Thinking About This, That and the Other

This past week I have been struggling with some things in the personal arena. Mostly with the nature of forgiveness, and what it really means to forgive and forget. Forgiveness, for me at least means not letting the hurt someone has caused fester in my soul. Forgetting? That is more difficult.  I remember the events that caused the hurt and with good reason, remembering prevents me from putting myself back in the same position. I can choose to let go of the bitterness and anger, much easier to do when it is a toddler throwing a tantrum, than an adult. I think I have managed to find a balance and the serenity feels good.

In that spirit of serenity I am currently thinking of all the little things that a bring me joy.

A bed that is made with a few rumples and lumps because the Bumper wanted to help me with the morning work.

A glass of tea and some quiet crochet time.

A bright blue summer sky.

A jar of homemade apple butter given to me by a friend.

Snuggling up with the Bumper to read a bedtime story.

Such little moments give me such great joy, even in the midst of trial.

Have a good weekend.



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