Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Peace Corps has nothing on Motherhood

The slide
The motto of the U.S. Peace Corps is "The toughest job you'll ever love," and until I become a mother I thought they were right.  They are wrong. Being a mother (or father) is the toughest job and I love it.  I don't always like it, but I always love the Bumper. Yesterday was one of those days when I did not like being a mom very much and it was one of those days that nothing could have prepared me for.

The Swing
On Tuesday the Bumper and I  spend a fabulous day together. In the morning she colored with her crayons, and played with her play-dough while I did the house work. In the afternoon we went to the local zoo and park, where she spent a good twenty minutes watching the squirrels find and bury acorns before heading to the swings, slide and sand box. She even left with out a fuss. I was thrilled, I was ecstatic, I was duped.
The sandbox

A view of the river that runs through the zoo
I should have known it was too good to last. My first clue ought to have been when her teacher at nursery school gave her a sticker for being a good listener. I felt so tickled I decided to take her to the school's playground. I reminded her to "listen to mommy" and off we went. All went well until it was time to go home. Then my cherubic toddler threw her biggest tantrum to date. She flung herself down to the ground, howled, cried, screamed, threw sand and refused to move. I tried being firm, I really did. I told her in a no nonsense tone that the tantrum would not get her what she wanted so she might as well get up off the ground and come with me. She didn't budge. In the end I had to drag her out, while twenty or so other parents watched. It was not pretty. The Bumper did that whole go completely limp while still squirming thing that little kids are so very good at and I literally dragged her to the car where she refused to get in. I had to explain to her the only way she could go home and talk to Daddy on the computer was to actually sit down in her car seat. She finally did and a few minutes later while happily munching her afternoon snack the Bumper announces "I'm sorry I cried Mom, I just wanted to stay and play. I'm sorry. I love you Mom"
Sigh. I am putty. "I love you too Bumper."
Parenthood is not for the weak.



Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Nesting Instinct - Well kind of


Snicker doodles
We have entered the time of year here on the East Coast of the or rather Mid-Atlantic or the United States, when the weather starts to cool down and the crock pots start to heat up. It is time to, or nearly, to break out the sweater and head out into the woods. It is time to put away the swimsuits, much to the Bumper's dismay, and take out the running shoes, summer gardening is being replaced by baking and crafting. I am enjoying this. I am ready to make hearty soups, stews, and chili, I am ready for apple pie. Okay I do have to wait a few more weeks for the crisp tart apples just right for pie and apple butter, but I can dream! Kale and cornbread will feature heavily this Autumn, they are two things I like to cook and the Bumper likes to eat. Of course weather or not I actually do any of this remains to be seen, but for some reason fall brings out my inner domestic goddess wanna be and that includes crafts.
Every year around this time I convince my self that I can learn to sew, knit , crochet, spin and felt with the best of them and give my self all sorts of ambitious projects to work on. This year will be different! (please insert maniacal laugh) I have given my self two goals:
 1. Sew an apron
 2. Finish the throw the Bumper's Nana wants by Christmas
I am working on a new crochet project for the Bumper's Nana, she requested I make her a Granny Square throw. Since I am addicted to making Granny Squares, I am happy to oblige. I love how relaxing crochet is. I feel so  much better when I have knocked out a couple of squares. I am not wild about her color scheme, but she likes it and that is what matters. I can't decide if I should do  two-toned squares or single color in a patchwork design.  My next step is to find a simple full coverage apron pattern. Wish me success!  I did not make the curry yesterday so I will make it today, the mushrooms did not make it to the table either, but the Bumper and I gorged ourselves on ripe tomatoes, cucumber, yogurt ( yeah I know not vegan of me but we do not have access to soy yogurt here) dill and mint. Yummy!



Monday, September 23, 2013

Meatless Monday

Ok. I cave. I give in. It is official. Autumn is here and I thought the best way to celebrate would be to try out some hearty autumnal type recipes:

For Breakfast:
Pumpkin Oatmeal
Hazelnut Coffee

For Lunch
Sautéed Mushrooms
The last of the cumbers and tomatoes

Some sort of curry or soup.

These are my good intentions anyway. I might get carried away by the glorious weather, bright blue skies, a slight chill in the air, packing up some peanut butter and jam sandwiches and spend the rest of the day at the park with the Bumper.
Yesterday the Bumper and I had some surprise visitors from out of town, who had never been to our part of the country before. What did we do? We took them to the beach of course. Our visitors got a kick out of the Bumper very fussily ordering everyone to hurry up and go when she wasn't even dressed yet! The Bumper loves to be out of doors and in weather like today's I couldn't agree more. I don't really have a favorite time of year, but I do enjoy mid-September. It is not to hot, nor too cold, it is just right!



Monday, September 16, 2013

Meatless Monday



I am totally in love with vegan baking. My favorite item so far are Snicker Doodles. Okay this does not come under the realm of health food, but as a fun way to spend a couple of hours with the Bumper it can't be beat.  Cooking is become a family activity and I could not be happier. The Bumper loves to help cut up raw cucumber, tomatoes and carrots (by this I mean eat the pieces I cut up when I have my back turned-- the last time I made carrots she ate them so fast I had to peel and cut two extra just to steam them.), she thinks mixing cake, muffins and cookies is better than playing with Play-Doh.  Having her participate makes our mealtimes go so much more smoothly because she is almost guaranteed to eat what she helped prepare. So tonight I am going to see if she will be interested in helping me make the spinach chickpeas and pasta which is my quick go to for a week night supper.



Thursday, September 12, 2013

Summer's Not Over Yet!

Blog-land is awash with all things autumnal: Pumpkin recipes, the familiar orange and brown décor, crafts, and crock pot cookery. I am so not feeling that. Where I am temperatures are still soaring into the 90's (30's C) and the ocean, only thirty minutes away, continues to beckon. I am not ready to give up Summer yet. Yes I know school has started, but I am in denial and will stay that way until first frost. Unfortunately the weather around her tends to go from very hot to very cold without much in between. Occasionally we get a few mild weather perfect fall days, but until then I am clinging to Summer with every last fiber of my being! I am now off to make banana smoothie ice-pops to beat the heat!.



Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Yesterday was the Bumper's first day of pre-school. I don't know who was more excited! For once I had no trouble getting her to eat her breakfast. In fact the Bumper was dressed and ready to go by 9: 45am - a record for her!  I was a little nervous, but just as I predicted she shouted : "Bye - Mom!" when I walked her to her classroom, and she did not look back. It was a bittersweet moment.
My baby isn't a baby anymore. She is two year old little girl full of spunk and personality. I cherish being a stay at home mom for the Bumper during this season of her life. Yesterday, was the beginning of the end of that season. Yes right now it is only two days a week for a couple  of hours, but in a few short years she will be in school all day. *sigh*
I spent the time meeting, in the café at the school, with the other first time parents. We exchanged our hopes and worries, and before I knew it; I was greeting and enthusiastic Bumper who proudly gave me her very first painting!
I am so very blessed to enjoy such little things!


Sunday, September 8, 2013

This and That

I am going to have to start drafting posts for this blog, so I can still post even when I am busy.
 I hope everyone had a good weekend. I have lots to share, but I am having trouble getting all my pictures posted.

Labor Day was a  wonderful weekend and a long one at that. The Bumper and I went to the beach and had a barbecue (I brought a vegan pasta salad and lots of roasted veggies! Um - nothing like roasted eggplant when you don't have time to fire up the grill) with friends. I just love living so near the ocean, although I don't get there as nearly as I would like.

