Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spring has Sprung

I love springtime. The warm weather,  the beautiful flowers, everything coming to life after the long winter. I feel like i just can't get enough sunshine soaked into my bones to erase the memory of the preceding grey, dam, chilly days. Then the trees start producing copious amounts of pollen, and I am done for. Sneezing, coughing , sore throat, and I can just forget about being able to breathe.
When we lived in our previous apartment, we not surrounded be flowering trees, and shrubs, so allergy season passed by causing little discomfort. Not so with our new house. Matt and I both feel like we have run over by a heavy delivery truck, even the bumper is uncomfortable. So last night I made our favorite comfort food: Cream of Wheat porridge and this morning I made myself a large cup of broth and have been reveling in the soothing steaminess of it.
Every day this week has been the same weather wise: Partly cloudy  in the morning and thunderstorms at night. I am hoping the rain will clear out the pollen and we will be able to go on a picnic on Sunday. In the meantime I am going to make myself a cup of tea, and curl up with some tissue.


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