Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Focus - Books

I started reading when I was three, and  I read my first "grown up" novel Charlotte's Web by E.B. White when I was seven; somewhere in between I fell in love with books and with reading. I will read just about anything at least once. Yes, this includes the backs of cereal boxes. I have no shame. I am also the sort of person who often reads more than one book at a time. That particular habit used to drive my family bonkers.
Right now this is what is on my reading list:

1. The Bible - always, so I am only going to mention it this once.

2. Where God Was Born: A Daring Adventure Through The Bible's Greatest Stories by Bruce Feiler - I am enjoying this one and finding it eerily relevant given current events in Israel.

3. Knitting Rules by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee - I bought this thinking it would be a book of patterns to teach me to knit. What I found was a laugh out loud look ( with some patterns thrown in) at knitters and their peculiarities.

4. How to be Vegan by Elizabeth Castoria - A nifty practical book that dispels the myth that vegans live off of iceberg lettuce and hothouse tomatoes.

5. The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image by Leonard Shlain - I just finished this one. A fascinating and in-depth look at the rise of the written word and the connection with patriarchy. Not light reading. It took me several weeks to complete.

6. The Sleep Book by Dr. Suess - The Bumper's current bedtime favorite. I think I have it memorized!

So what are you reading this week?


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