Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Winter's Last Rally (Maybe)

The night the storm began
It seems that Mother Nature missed the memo reminding her that this time of year is supposed to be spring in this hemisphere. Winter has lingered and lingered. I am more than ready for the warm up that is supposed to come next week. I want to see daffodils, and tree blossoms, I want to feel the warms sunshine on my face, I want to hear the birds chirping at an obnoxious hour of the morning, I want to post pictures of robins, and tulips, and blue skies.
The morning after

Poor little Daffodil
Mother Nature does not care about what I want. Instead she gifted my corner of the United States with a late snowstorm. I may be grumbling, but the Bumper is ecstatic. This was her "last" chance to play in the fluffy white stuff she has come to love. When she woke up the first thing she asked me was if we could go out and play. Her second request was for me to get clean snow and pour maple syrup on it. I admit I was rather reluctant, but I cast off my doubts and went outside. I am happy I did. It was so much fun watching her make snow angels, and tried to find the perfect snowball. The air was sharp and cold with just a hint of the warmth of days to come.

Bumper and Snow bear
We played until our faces and hands were red. When we finally went back indoors I had one last surprise for the Bumper- I had gotten up early in the morning, scooped up some fresh snow and poured the last of the maple syrup over it. The Bumper was delighted and her delight warmed my heart.

Backyard in March
Soon warm weather will be here and these chilly days will be just memories: ones I hope the Bumper will cherish because I know I will.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Belated Ramblings

Early February- a warm day for a walk in the park
Okay wow! I did not realize how much time had passed since my last post. So much has happened!
We have had some crazy weather: snow one day and warm sunshine the next or vice versa! Even as I write this we are preparing for a snowstorm after a mild weekend of being outside in the garden. We have had a series of colds that just kept going and going around the household. First I got sick, then the Bumper, then Nana and round again. the Bumper is finally on the mend and back to her rambunctious self. I may get annoyed at all the mischief she is capable of when she has been indoors too long, but I will take mischief of over sick lethargy any day. ( Although ask me again  in a week and I might change my mind!)
Hello second day of Spring!
The Bumper has loved it all minus the getting sick bits, although I suspect she liked. even that because she got plenty of lap time, story time and cuddles from me and Nana. She especially liked playing in the snow and building her first snowman. The Bumper was quite upset when he melted the next day. On the warm days she got to go for rides in the wheelbarrow while Nana and I cleared the winter debris from the front and backyards. She even got to climb on the  ladder and "help" her Nana clean the gutters. A task that will be much easier the next go around because we finally got rid of our very large pine trees.

As for me, well all those shut in days gave me time to indulge my creative side. I have now gotten a very firm start on my new novel, I finished the aprons for my self and the Bumper, I made a shift dress for the Bumper -- it has been lots of fun learning to sew, I crocheted a scarf for my sister, bought my first issues of Simply Crochet magazine, and some lovely new yarn, I officially have a yarn stash, and I have started teaching myself how to knit socks. I totally blame Lucy of Attic 24 ( for my renewed vigor with crochet and obsession with all things woolly. She makes it look so easy and she uses such wonderful colors! I am not near that level of proficiency, but my sister liked her scarf so much she requested another one, and Nana commission a hat and scarf set!
The perfect accessory

Mommy's little helper

Like always this kind of weather makes me feel like cooking. I have been experimenting with some yummy vegan recipes and trying to get more healthy options into our diets. The one bad thing about wintery weather is I tend to cook comfort food or bake, and while that is a delight to the senses, it is not so easy on the waist line. Fortunately for me Fridays in Lent give me the perfect excuse to spring vegetarian or vegan dishes on my family.  Spring is a time of new life as the earth wakens from its winter sleep, for me that means a chance re-energize my exercise routine, pick up my pen and various needles (sewing, crochet ant knitting) and because it is Lent; it is a time for me to do some spiritual house cleaning.
Double Yummy!


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sorrow and Grattitude

Once again my world has been rocked by personal tragedy. A very dear friend of mine lost her eldest son. He was only 21. She is like an older sister to me, and I have known her son since he was six years old.  I am still in shock, all I can see is the little boy who solemnly told me the most important thing about going to school was remembering which bus to get on at the end of the day. Having recently lost my husband I know some of how she feels. I know the hurt and the grief all too well. I know about the questions that have no answers and guilt of overwhelming helplessness. My heart breaks for her and I say in all seriousness: I grieve with you.

Yet even still there are things I am grateful for.

1. Faith 
2. Because of what I have gone through I can reach out to others.
3. Sobriety - five years and counting, As much as I may want to dive into a bottle I know that will not solve anything. As tough as it is, as painful as mourning is; it is part of life.
4. Being able to feel. As much as I am hurting, because of the hurt, I know I am still living.
5. The support of family and friends during the past four months, which I hope I can now begin to return.
I will be back to more regular posting soon.
