Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Snowed In

Winter has definitely arrived in this part of the country, and while it does get cold and snowy it doesn't happen very often. Where I live we are sheltered by the Chesapeake Bay so most of the time the bad weather misses us. Not the last couple of years, much to the Bumper's delight. Last year we had one very decent snowfall -- about 5inches and this year so far we have had one and are in the middle of getting another.

As an adult my perspective on snowstorms changed. When I started working after college I suddenly realized that wintry weather could be a pain, because gone were the carefree days of tobogganing, snowmen, and hot coca; they have been replaced by shoveling the driveway, scraping off the car and actually driving to work in the stuff. YUCK!

Fast forward a dozen years or so and the Bumper enters my life. Hello childhood magic, how  I have missed you. The Bumper is three this year and she has gotten the idea about snow. She loves the stuff! She makes snow angles, and snowmen, and dizzy crazy tracks in the snow. I can enjoy her laughter and enthusiasm, while vainly trying to convince my headstrong daughter that 8 degrees F is not play weather.

In the end I caved, bundled the two of us up and headed out with her. When we finally came in I made a bowl of maple candy, since the Bumper does not care for coca, and soon we will pop some pop corn  and sit by the pellet stove. Winter bliss I say.



  1. Dear Kim. I hope you don't mind me writing. I found you via Attic24 and have just been reading through your recent posts with many tears. Keep trusting in God. He will never fail you. My heart goes out to you and Bumper. If you ever need someone to write to or talk to or pray for you, I'm here. Please listen to this song - Oceans by Hillsong United. I pray it will strengthen your faith for the daily challenges. xxxxxx
