Sunday, November 21, 2010

Moving (Part Two)

Hello again!

I have been absent for a while, because of the whole moving thing. The home inspection did not go as well as we would have liked, there were some major problems (Like a broken hot water heater, and HVAC system -- aka no hot water and no heat, a bad thing in December). The good news is the seller has agreed  to do the repairs.:)  We have the final walk through on the 27th, and God willing everything will be fine.

In the meantime my husband and I are trying to decide where to spend our Thanksgiving holiday. In spite of all the stress in our lives, we have a lot to be thankful  for. Since I don't know if I'll be able to post before the holiday I want to share the things I am thankful for:

1. God's faithfulness
2. My husband for taking care of  most of the packing and real estate stuff
3. A healthy baby
4. Friends who come through for us.
5. A roof over our heads, and food on our table
6. Clean water to drink.
7. Our soon to be new home.
8. Our jobs.
9. The fact that my husband can fix practically anything.
10. Being alive and in good health



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