Friday, March 9, 2012

A Random Act of Kindness

Yesterday my mom and I took the Bumper to see her pediatrician in Virgina. I t was a three hour drive and the poor little mite got carsick. She upchucked all of the nice hearty breakfast she'd eaten.  So there we were frantically trying to soothe, calm, and clean a frightened little girl on someones front lawn, when the owner of the house drove up. Instead of getting angry that a couple of strangers were changing a baby's diaper in front of her house, she offered to help! The woman asked if we were okay and did we need anything like water or towels. We said no, but we were very happy to have been asked. The kindness of strangers: who knew? That chance encounter set the tone for the rest of the day. The Bumper was fine by the time we got to the doctor's, she got to see M and thoroughly enjoyed being the center of attention for four adults. Sometimes it only takes a small thing to restore faith.
